S.T.E.P.S. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
(Striving Toward Empowerment and Personal Satisfaction)
Elk County
Quality Report 2023-2024
Quality Report 2022-2023
Quality Report 2021-2022
Description of service provided:
Psychiatric Rehabilitation is to provide mental health consumers choice within an array of services designed to assist them in enhancing levels of functioning in specific life areas including living, working, recreation/leisure, self-care, and relationships while learning in their place of choice with the least amount of professional intervention. We promote and encourage the overall wellness of each individual and assist them in reaching their full potential.
Geographic area of service:
Elk and Cameron counties
Admission criteria:
The person is 18 years or older and has the presence or history of a serious mental illness based on medical records. As a result of the mental illness, the person has a moderate to severe functional impairment that interferes with or limits role performance in at least one of the following domains: educational, social, vocational, self maintenance relative to the person’s ethnic/cultural environment. The person must choose to participate.
How to access service:
Self referrals can be made by calling the office at 814.776.2001 or 814.245.4142. A referral can be made by anyone to Psychiatric Rehabilitation such as case management, physicians, clergy or family.
Address and hours of operation:
43 Servidea Drive (along Rt. 219)
Ridgway PA 15853
Monday through Friday 8:30am to 2:30pm.
Staff hours are 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Monthly Saturday program offered.
How individuals pay for the service:
Services may be paid for by Medical Assistance, Community Care Behavioral Health, and some private insurance companies. If an individual has no insurance coverage, they may request their county of residence MH/MR administrative office for assistance with payment.