Blog Posts Our Blog Posts Sun, 09 Mar 2025 01:51:50 +0000 Sun, 09 Mar 2025 01:51:50 +0000 Keystone Powdered Metal Company Supports Dickinson Mon, 03 Mar 2025 16:01:31 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of Keystone Powdered Metal Staff &amp; DCI Board Receiving Check" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="color:#666666;"><em><strong>Pictured L to R: Taylor Klaiber, KPMC HR Generalist; Aaron Shilk, KPMC Cost Accountant; Melissa Patterson, KPMC HR Benefit Administrator; Cherokee Schneider, KPMC Corporate HR Manager; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; Kasey Keneske, KPMC Database, LN, System Administrator; Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; and Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair.</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> <br> Keystone Powdered Metal Company’s (KPMC) Charitable Contributions Committee recently presented a check to Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), an affiliate of Journey Health System, in support of the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. This generous contribution, along with donations from local businesses, organizations, and individuals, played a crucial role in helping Dickinson reach its $1.5 million capital campaign goal. </p> <p> “We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the staff at Dickinson for the essential services that are provided to our community. We hope our gift will help further your mission of helping individuals reach their full potential with the services you provide,” from all of the employees at Keystone Powdered Metal Company-St. Marys. </p> <p> “The generosity of Keystone Powdered Metal Company and our many supporters has been instrumental in helping us surpass our $1.5 million campaign goal,” said Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair. “Their commitment to our mission reinforces the importance of accessible behavioral health services, and we are truly grateful for their partnership in building a stronger, healthier community.” </p> <p> As a nonprofit organization, Dickinson is deeply grateful to the community. Their support made it possible to construct the new St. Marys’ facility, ensuring that more than 1,200 children and adults continue to receive high-quality behavioral health services each year. </p> <p> Founded in 1958, Dickinson Center, Inc. stands as a leading rural behavioral health provider in northwestern Pennsylvania, With nearly 200 dedicated employees, DCI serves communities across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> . </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> DCI Parents As Teachers Program Hosts Coffee and Chit Chat Mon, 17 Feb 2025 16:33:40 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Group of parents at DCI PAT" src="" style="width: 60%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> Thank you to the amazing moms who attended Coffee &amp; Chit Chat on 2/14/25 at <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Dickinson Center's Parents As Teachers Program</a></strong> in St. Marys! The topic was self-love/self-care. We had a lot of great conversations, suggestions and empowerment vibes. Mark your calendars for our next coffee and chit chat group on April 11, 2025. For details or to register, call <strong><a href="https://www.dickinsoncenter.orgtel: 814-834-2602">814.834.2602</a></strong>. </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> DCI Exceeds Goal For St. Marys Campaign Fri, 14 Feb 2025 14:24:11 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="DCI Capital Campaign Committee photo of members" src=""> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><em>DCI capital campaign committee members gathered around the conference table at The Stackpole-Hall Foundation. Pictured (L to R): Rob O’Leary; DCI Board Chair Joe Haines; DCI Executive Director, Jim Prosper; Doug Bauer; Mark Saline; DCI campaign committee Chair Bob Ordiway; Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement Tana Smith; Jim Ryan; John Dippold; and Bill Hoffman. Not available for photo: DCI capital campaign committee co-chair Dr. William C. Conrad; Gennaro Aiello, Jen Dippold; Frank Straub and Leah Whiteman.</em></span></strong></span> </p> <p> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a nonprofit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System (JHS), is thrilled to announce that it has exceeded its $1.5 million capital campaign goal. While fundraising efforts continue to cover additional expenses, current gifts and pending pledges have successfully pushed the campaign beyond its target. </p> <p> This achievement is a testament to the dedication of the Building for Tomorrow capital campaign committee, led by Chair Bob Ordiway, alongside, Co-chair Dr. William C. Conrad, and JHS Director of Institutional Advancement Tana Smith. Their leadership combined with the tireless efforts of the committee and the incredible generous contributions of foundations, corporations, businesses, and individuals has made this milestone possible. </p> <p> DCI extends heartfelt appreciation to the following campaign committee members, as well as the entire community for their support: </p> <ul> <li> Bob Ordiway, chair </li> <li> Dr. William C. Conrad, co-chair </li> <li> Gennaro Aiello </li> <li> Doug Bauer </li> <li> Jen Dippold </li> <li> John Dippold </li> <li> Joe Haines </li> <li> Bill Hoffman </li> <li> Rob O’Leary </li> <li> Jim Prosper </li> <li> Jim Ryan </li> <li> Mark Saline </li> <li> Tana Smith </li> <li> Frank Straub </li> <li> Leah Whiteman </li> </ul> <p> <br> The <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Building for Tomorrow</a></strong> campaign supports Dickinson’s new St. Mary’s facility, which is now 93% complete and on-track for substantial completion by March 2025. The agency anticipates moving into the new space in early summer, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and donor appreciation event to follow. </p> <p> “It has truly been an honor working with Bob, Bill, and the entire campaign committee,” said Tana Smith, director of Institutional Advancement at Journey Health System. “While I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this achievement, I am not at all surprised. This success reflects the close-knit support and hometown spirit that make our communities so incredible. I am continually amazed by what we can accomplish together” </p> <p> Each year, Dickinson’s St. Mary’s outpatient, clinical, and children’s prevention services – soon to be housed in the new facility – serve more than 2,700 children and adults. This includes classroom-based prevention education, featuring life-saving suicide prevention and mental health awareness initiatives, for elementary, middle, and high school students across Elk and Cameron counties. </p> <p> The community’s generosity ensures that vital <strong><a href="" target="_blank">behavioral health services</a></strong> and <strong><a href="" target="_blank">children’s prevention programs</a></strong> remain accessible to individuals, children, and families in Elk County and the surrounding region for years to come. </p> Dickinson Center, Inc. and Elk County Prison Expand Prison Library with Grant-Funded Books Mon, 10 Feb 2025 14:31:35 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of DCI and Elk Co Prison Representatives with Books" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><em><strong><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R: Alissa Shelander, Forensic Mental Health Specialist; Justin Bauer, Forensic Mental Health Specialist; John Schlimm, DCI Board Member, Astasia May Straneva, Elk County Prison Corrections Counselor and Tyra Zimmerman, Forensic Mental Health Specialist (DCI Board Members Isaac Gradl &amp; Joe Jacob unavailable for photo.</span></strong></em></span> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; </p> <p> Thanks to a generous grant from the Ridgway Borough Charitable Fund of the Elk County Community Foundation, Dickinson Center, Inc. staff and board members partnered with the Elk County Prison to enhance the prison library’s resource and reference collection. </p> <p> Nearly 60 new books are now available, providing incarcerated individuals with valuable opportunities for learning, growth, and rehabilitation. </p> <p> A huge thank you to all involved for making this initiative possible! </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Frank Varischetti Foundation Supports DCI Building Campaign Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:35:50 +0000 <h3 style="color: rgb(170, 170, 170); font-style: italic; text-align: center;"> <img alt="Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair; Megan Reiter, Administrator of The Frank Varischetti Foundation; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; and Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement." src="" style="width: 75%;"><br> <span style="color:#666666;"><em><span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>Pictured L to R: Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair; Megan Reiter, Administrator of The Frank Varischetti Foundation; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; and Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement.</strong></span></em></span> </h3> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> The Frank Varischetti Foundation recently made a significant contribution to Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), an affiliate of Journey Health System, by presenting a check in support of the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. This generous donation plays a pivotal role in helping DCI reach its ambitious $1.5 million goal, alongside the support from local businesses, organizations and individual community members. </p> <p> “Dickinson Center, Inc. provides such important resources to the area, and we are proud to support this endeavor,” said Barbara Varischetti, president of <strong><a href="" target="_blank">The Frank Varischetti Foundation</a></strong>. “The Frank Varischetti Foundation is built on the philosophy of enhancing the quality of life for area residents, which aligns perfectly with Dickinson Center’s mission to serve St. Marys and bring transformative change to the community.” </p> <p> As a nonprofit organization, Dickinson Center expresses profound gratitude to the community for their overwhelming support. Thanks to these contributions, the new #stmaryspa facility will ensure that over 1,200 children and adults will continue to receive high-quality behavioral health services each year. This facility will enhance the organization's capacity to meet the growing demand for crucial mental health services in the region. </p> <p> Dickinson Center extends sincere appreciation to the leadership behind the capital campaign, including Capital Campaign Committee Chair Bob Ordiway and Co-Chair Dr. William C. Conrad. Special recognition also goes to Director of Institutional Advancement Tana Smith and the entire campaign committee for their unwavering support and dedication to the success of this vital project. </p> <p> Founded in 1958, Dickinson Center, Inc. stands as a leading rural behavioral health provider in northwestern Pennsylvania. With nearly 200 dedicated employees, DCI serves communities across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> . </p> Morgan Advanced Materials Donates Gifts to DCI's Christmas Project Thu, 12 Dec 2024 16:38:17 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of DCI Employees and Morgan Advanced Materials Employees by a Christmas Tree" src="" style="width: 68%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="width: 618px; height: 272px;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#333333;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><em><strong>Employees of Morgan Advanced Materials with DCI staff in Ridgway (top picture), and Coudersport (bottom picture).</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) is currently working on their 14th annual Pat Work Memorial Christmas Project to provide gifts to children in the region this holiday season. This project was named after Patricia “Pat” Work who was a therapist at Dickinson for many years prior to her passing in 2003. Pat worked with children and always made an extra effort at Christmas to make sure they had gifts. </p> <p> This year, DCI has 75 children referred to the project. Children are referred by DCI employees based on their need. The children or their families provide wish lists that include both toys and clothing sizes. Angel trees are developed based on those wish lists and shared with staff, board members, and local community supporters to fill the wish lists. The DCI employees who made the referrals deliver the gifts to the families before Christmas.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> For the past few years, Dickinson has received very generous donations from the employees of <strong><a href="">Morgan Advanced Materials</a></strong>.&nbsp; Employees from both the St. Marys and Coudersport Morgan locations support the project by purchasing a large variety of toys, games, etc. Their support has been critical in the project’s success.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> Other project supporters include DCI employees and family members as well as employees from local businesses including Journey Health System, Northwest Bank, Advantage Sales Supply, and Advantage Metal Powders. Keystone Corner Lunch, Dr. William and Veronica Conrad, and Padraic McGrath, CPA, also provided support this year.&nbsp; &nbsp; </p> <p> If you’re interested in supporting this project, monetary donations are appreciated. Checks should be made payable to: “Dickinson Center” and mailed to: 43 Servidea Drive, Ridgway, PA 15853. </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. is committed to the communities that we serve and strives to help individuals reach their full potential by providing a comprehensive spectrum of behavioral health, intellectual disability, and prevention services. </p> Liberty Pressed Metals Helps DCI Build for Tomorrow Wed, 20 Nov 2024 15:07:21 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of LPM and DCI representatives in front of LPM sign" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><em>Photo L to R: Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Richard Uhl, Jr., LPM Vice President; Michelle Smith, LPM HR Manager; Shane Ford, LPM President; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; Maura Fledderman, LPM Operator; Lauren Wolff, LPM QC Technician; Dan Greenthaner, LPM Die Setter, and Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director (unavailable for photo: Doug Gaffey, LPM Owner)</em></span></strong></span> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is proud to announce a generous donation from Liberty Pressed Metals (LPM) in support of their “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. This vital contribution will aid in the construction of Dickinson’s new facility in St. Marys, ensuring that over 1,200 children and adults receive continued access to high-quality behavioral health annually. </p> <p> With mental health challenges affecting both residents and members of the workforce, this support helps strengthen Dickinson’s mission to provide essential services to individuals, children, and families across the region. </p> <p> Doug Gaffey, owner of LPM stated, “At Liberty Pressed Metals, we believe in supporting initiatives that strengthen the communities where our employees and their families live and work. Partnering with Dickinson Center, Inc. on this important project allows us to contribute to a resource that is vital to the well-being of our region. We’re proud to play a role in helping Dickinson provide continued access to essential behavioral health services.” </p> <p> Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director added, “We are deeply grateful to Liberty Pressed Metals for their generous support of our ‘Building for Tomorrow’ capital campaign. This contribution reflects their commitment to the health and well-being of our community and helps us take an important step toward completing our new facility in St. Marys. Together, we’re ensuring that individuals and families across the region have access to the quality behavioral health services they need to thrive.” </p> <p> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Liberty Pressed Metals </a></strong>specializes in engineering and producing powder metal components for a variety of industries, including automotive, lawn and garden, office equipment, power tools, home appliances, and industrial and commercial conveyor systems across North America. </p> <p> Founded in 1958, Dickinson Center, Inc. stands as a leading rural behavioral health provider in northwestern Pennsylvania, With nearly 200 dedicated employees, DCI serves communities across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; </p> Stephanie Hetrick, CRNP, is Accepting New Clients at DCI Wed, 13 Nov 2024 20:27:47 +0000 <p> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 300px; height: 330px; float: left; padding: 10px">Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), an affiliate of Journey Health System, is pleased to add Stephanie Hetrick, Board-Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP) to their outpatient clinic’s team of mental healthcare providers in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. </p> <p> In her new role, she’ll be assisting individuals by providing psychiatric diagnostic evaluations, medication management, evidence-based treatment and follow-up. </p> <p> As a lifelong resident of Elk County, Hetrick began her career as a registered nurse working over 25 years in nearby hospitals and she provided home health services in Elk County and Cameron County. In 2018, Stephanie began working in the behavioral health field starting as a lead nurse for the Behavioral Health Home Plus program, then transferring to outpatient services where she worked as the nursing supervisor for all of DCI’s outpatient facilities and their long-term structured residential facility in Brookville in December 2022. During this time, Stephanie gained experience seeing clients in the outpatient setting, providing medication education and collaborating with DCI providers. </p> <p> Hetrick said, “I hope to provide high-quality, evidenced-based care to those in my community and I strive to embody values of compassion, empathy and integrity in every interaction.” </p> <p> Hetrick obtained her Associate of Science in nursing in 1999 through University of Pittsburgh. She earned her Bachelor of Science in nursing and Master of Science in nursing degrees from Pennsylvania Western University. She plans to further her education by obtaining her post-master’s psychiatric nurse practitioner certificate. </p> <p> Hetrick is currently accepting new clients at DCI’s offices in Ridgway and St. Marys. To make an appointment, please call 814.776.2145 in Ridgway or 814.834.9722 in St. Marys. Insurance plans currently accepted: UPMC, CCBH/Medicaid, Highmark BC/BS, Cigna, Medicare (no advantage plans).<br> &nbsp; </p> Elk County Commissioners' PAT Proclamation for 11/8/24 Thu, 07 Nov 2024 21:03:37 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 50%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><em><strong>Pictured from left: Elk County Commissioner Matthew Quesenberry, Elk County Commissioner Fritz Lecker, The Children's Center- DCI Parents as Teachers Program Director Cortney Pahel and Greg Gebauer of Elk County Commissioners County of Elk, PA.</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> At their meeting on November 6, Commissioner M. Fritz Lecker read a proclamation recognizing November 8 as national “Parents as Teachers Day,” following a presentation by Cortney Pahel, director of the <strong><a href="">Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program</a></strong> at Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), located at 4 Erie Avenue in St. Marys, PA. </p> <p> The Proclamation included the following statement, “Parents as Teachers through Dickinson Center, Inc. in Elk County promotes the protective factors that keep families strong by increasing parent knowledge, providing early detection of developmental delays and health issues, preventing child abuse and neglect, meeting concrete needs, increasing children’s school readiness and school success, connecting families with each other, supporting families in achieving economic stability, promoting healthy children in healthy homes and increasing family involvement and leadership in the community.” </p> <p> Cortney Pahel stated, “Children are born into this world without directions. Our PAT team is here to help support families in Elk County with children 5 and under. We offer families parent-child activities, parent handouts, screenings, group connections and we connect them to resources.” </p> <p> Pahel added, “It is so rewarding to hear from families in our program that the support they receive is making a difference and is empowering. I’m so thankful for all the work my staff does with our PAT families. We wouldn’t be a Blue Ribbon Affiliate without their hard work!” </p> <p> When families were asked how this program has been most helpful to them and their family -- one parent stated, “We absolutely love this program! It has been a huge help to myself and my boys. They have taught us all so much. I can say, because of this program I have been more confident with being a first-time mom and learning so much new stuff.” </p> <p> The program is free for families in Elk County with children ages five and under and there is no income or developmental guidelines to enroll. DCI PAT is a Blue Ribbon Affiliate which means their program is providing the best quality services to families in the county. To register, please call 814.834.2602.&nbsp; For more information, visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Lynch-Green Helps DCI Build for Tomorrow Thu, 07 Nov 2024 20:57:01 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><em><strong>Photo L to R: Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; Michelle Muccio, Lynch-Green Funeral Home Owner &amp; Director; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is proud to announce a generous donation from <strong><a href="">Lynch-Green Funeral Home</a></strong> in support of the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. This vital contribution will aid in the construction of Dickinson’s new facility in St. Marys, PA, ensuring that over 1,200 children and adults receive continued access to high-quality behavioral health annually. </p> <p> With mental health challenges affecting both residents and members of the workforce, this support helps strengthen Dickinson’s mission to provide essential services to individuals, children, and families across the region. </p> <p> Michelle Muccio, Lynch-Green Funeral Home's Owner and Director stated, “It is an honor and a pleasure to be part of something so wonderful for our community and to help bring these services to St. Marys. Mental and behavioral health services are incredibly important, and we are grateful to be part of the path forward in our community.” </p> <p> Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair and Capital Campaign Committee Member added, “This generous donation exemplifies the strong community spirit that defines our region. We are grateful for Lynch-Green’s support and commitment to building a brighter future for those we serve.” </p> <p> Lynch-Green Funeral Home, established in 1927 and operating from its historic location at the corner of North Michael and Maurus Streets, has provided compassionate and dignified services for over 90 years. </p> <p> Founded in 1958, Dickinson Center, Inc. stands as a leading rural behavioral health provider in northwestern Pennsylvania. With nearly 200 dedicated employees, DCI serves communities across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Michelle Pastore Earns Annual Joe Goff Memorial Award Fri, 01 Nov 2024 19:46:50 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Bryan Linton presenting award to Michelle Pastore" src="" style="width: 50%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><em><strong><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R: Bryan Linton, Dickinson Center’s Home &amp; Community Habilitation Supervisor presents Michelle Pastore the 2024 Joe Goff Memorial Distinguished Worker Award.</span></strong></em></span> </p> <p> <br> During the month of October, Dickinson Center’s <strong><a href="">Employment Support Services</a></strong> celebrated National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This year Dickinson Center’s Employment Support Services (ESS) is proud to announce the fourth annual Joseph Goff Memorial Distinguished Worker Award. </p> <p> Dickinson Center’s ESS presented the 2024 Joe Goff Memorial Distinguished Worker Award to Michelle Pastore. Michelle has been employed at Dickinson Center Employment Support Services for the last five years. During this time Michelle has been able to achieve her vocational goals through hard work and dedication to her job. Michelle exemplifies the recovery motto by setting the example of how individual efforts, combined with a supportive team of family, friends, community employers and service providers, can lead to success in all aspect of life, especially in the employment areas. Michelle’s coworkers are very encouraging and supportive of Michelle, which helps contribute to her success. The Joe Goff award is given to someone who has shown strides in improving their life by achieving their personal and vocational goals. Michelle is truly an inspiration to all with her achievements to overcome her obstacles and succeed with her life goals. DCI is very fortunate to have Michelle as a part of our team! </p> <p> In April of 2021, Joe Goff, passed away suddenly. Joe was a colleague of Dickinson’s ESS team who worked for years at the St Mary’s driver’s license center for B&amp;T Building Services. Joe enjoyed his job, gardening, photography and spending time with his friends. </p> <p> Congratulations and wishes for continued success are extended to Michelle. </p> DCI Names 2024 Employment Support Services Business of the Year Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:36:16 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Elk County Foods Receiving ESS Business of the Year plaque" src="" style="width: 60%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><strong><em><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R: Alan Buehler, general manager of Elk County Foods, with employees Amber Luchs and Tammy Anderson</span></em></strong></span> </p> <p> Every year, Dickinson Center’s <strong><a href="">Employment Support Services</a></strong> recognizes local businesses that support hiring disabled individuals during their National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebration. NDEAM focuses on the skills and abilities that disabled individuals can contribute to the workforce. This year’s event continues to spotlight employers that promote vocational goals through the Inclusive Employers campaign. </p> <p> Dickinson is extremely proud to name this year’s recipient of the Employment Support Services Business of the Year award for 2024 as Elk County Foods. <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Elk County Foods</a></strong> has set the bar high as an example to other employers with their inclusive business standards. Elk County Foods has allowed numerous individuals in the Elk County area to work towards independence by fulfilling their vocational goals. By promoting inclusion in the workplace, Elk County Foods has afforded employment opportunities to numerous individuals by helping them to increase their financial independence. This is why we want to take a minute to thank ECF for all that they do for our individuals and also for the community. </p> <p> While Elk County Foods is the 2024 Employer of the Year, Dickinson Center’s ESS also wants to extend a sincere thank you to other local employers that promote hiring disabled individuals. Some of these Inclusive Employers are St. Mary’s Area School District, Holiday Inn Express, Penn Highlands Healthcare, Crothell, Ridgway Area School District, Trucklite, Coudersport Borough, Kightlingers, B&amp;T Building Services, Emporium Borough, Elk Haven Nursing Home, Walmart, PA Driver’s License Center, Northwest Savings Bank, and&nbsp;Goodwill Industries. </p> <p> When provided with the opportunity, disabled individuals have much to contribute to the workforce and community. Dickinson is proud to work in cooperation with these local businesses, especially Elk County Foods, to promote inclusion. </p> <p> This year’s NDEAM Business of the Year award was presented to Alan Buehler by Amber Luchs and Tammy Anderson. While Tammy just recently started her job, Amber has been employed at Elk County Foods for over twenty years. </p> <p> For more information about E.S.S. at Dickinson Center, Inc., an affiliate of Journey Health System, visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> . </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> DCI Project Receives Support From Hamlin Bank Tue, 15 Oct 2024 15:17:12 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of Hamlin Bank &amp; DCI Representatives with donation check in front of Hamlin Bank St. Marys location" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><em>Photo L to R: Karin Stong, Hamlin Bank Teller; Sohpia McManus, Hamlin Bank Teller; Jesse DeWald, Hamlin Bank New Accounts Receptionist; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; Kaci Cousins, Hamlin Bank Installment &amp; Mortgage Loan Processor; Jon Peterson, Hamlin Bank Manager; and Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair (missing from photo: Toni Harlan, Hamlin Bank Teller).</em></span></strong></span> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) is proud to announce a generous donation from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Hamlin Bank and Trust Company</a></strong> in support of its “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. This contribution will directly support the construction of Dickinson’s new facility in St. Marys, ensuring continued delivery of high-quality behavioral health care to over 1,200 children and adults annually. </p> <p> With mental health challenges affecting both residents and members of the workforce in our community, this donation enhances Dickinson’s ability to provide critical services to individuals, children, and families across the region. </p> <p> “We are proud to support Dickinson Center’s St. Marys building project,” said Jon Peterson, St. Marys Branch Manager of Hamlin Bank. “Hamlin Bank is deeply committed to strengthening the communities we serve, and we believe this donation will have a lasting impact on local families and individuals in need.” </p> <p> Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair, added, “Hamlin Bank’s generous contribution reflects their dedication to our community. This support brings us closer to achieving our goal of a new facility where Dickinson can continue offering essential services to those who need them most.” </p> <p> Founded in 1863, Hamlin Bank and Trust Company has a rich history of providing exceptional customer service. As the first bank to serve McKean County in Northwestern Pennsylvania, Hamlin Bank remains a trusted partner for both individuals and businesses. For more information, visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> or call 814.971.4060 . </p> <p> Established in 1958, Dickinson Center, Inc. is a leading rural behavioral health provider in northwestern Pennsylvania, With nearly 200 employees, DCI serves communities across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> With financial assistance provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Honorable Josh Shapiro, Governor, this project is funded through a combination of state and federal grants, foundation grants, Dickinson Center operating funds, bank financing, and generous contributions from business, industry, and individuals in the community. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Stifel Financial Group Supports DCI Wed, 09 Oct 2024 12:45:37 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><em>Photo L to R:&nbsp; Joe Haines, DCI Board Chair; Tommy Launer, Stifel Associate Vice President; Cathy Renwick, Stifel Client Service Associate; Luke Hoffman, Stifel Portfolio Analyst; Sherrie Ferragine, Stifel Client Relationship Manager; Tom Fledderman, Stifel Associate Vice President; Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; Angel Fritz, Stifel Client Service Associate; Rob O’Leary, Stifel Retired Managing Director and DCI Capital Campaign Committee Member; John Piccolo, Stifel Senior Vice President; and Bob Ordiway, DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair.</em></span></strong></span> </p> <p> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is proud to announce a generous donation from Stifel O’Leary Piccolo Launer &amp; Fledderman Wealth Management Group in support of its St. Marys building project. This contribution will directly enhance Dickinson’s ability to provide high-quality behavioral health care and services to individuals, children and families across the region.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> “This partnership with Dickinson Center reflects our commitment to supporting the health and well-being of our community,” said John Piccolo, Senior Vice President at Stifel. “We are proud to contribute to a project that will bring a remarkable positive transformation to downtown St. Marys and have a lasting impact on behavioral health services in the region.”&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> Rob O’Leary, Retired Managing Director of Stifel and DCI Capital Campaign Committee Member, added, “Stifel has always valued long-term partnerships, and we believe this project will play a critical role in helping individuals and families access the care they need. We are honored to support Dickinson in this meaningful way.”&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> Stifel prioritizes personalized service and building long-term relationships to help individuals meet their unique financial goals. Their dedicated team offers tailored strategies designed to meet each client’s specific needs. For more information visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> or call Stifel at 814.788.5260 . </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc., established in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, With nearly 200 employees, DCI provides vital services across Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties.&nbsp; </p> <p> With financial assistance provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Honorable Josh Shapiro, Governor, this project is funded through a combination of state and federal grants, foundation grants, Dickinson Center operating funds, bank financing, and generous contributions from businesses, industries and individuals in the community.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> . </p> Building Together: DCI and First Commonwealth Bank Mon, 30 Sep 2024 14:33:07 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of First Commonwealth Bank donating check to DCI" src=""><br> <span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><em><strong>Pictured&nbsp;L to R: Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Bob Ordiway, Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) Capital Campaign Committee Chair; Jamie Straub, First Commonwealth Bank Senior Vice President Corporate Banking Group Manager; Sean Gabler, First Commonwealth Bank Branch Manager Business Banker, Vice President; Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; and Katie Whysong, First Commonwealth Vice President Corporate Banking.</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is thrilled to announce a generous donation from First Commonwealth Bank towards their St. Marys building project. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee and the collective generosity of organizations, foundations, businesses, individuals, and the community, $58,129 remains to reach their $1.5 million goal for the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. Dickinson and the campaign committee are hopeful that others will join in supporting this cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective. </p> <p> “We are proud to partner in a project of this magnitude for St. Marys and surrounding communities,” said First Commonwealth Bank’s Sean Gabler, St. Marys Branch Manager. “Projects like this are at the core of our bank’s mission to improve the financial lives of our neighbors and their businesses. The Dickinson Center is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers, and we are delighted to play a role in construction of this state-of-the-art facility.” </p> <p> “We are incredibly grateful to First Commonwealth Bank for their generous support and partnership in helping us bring this important project to life,” said Jim Prosper, Executive Director of Dickinson Center. “Their commitment to community extends beyond their financial services, and their donation is a testament to their dedication to improving the well-being of the individuals we serve. We truly value our relationship with First Commonwealth Bank and look forward to continuing to work together in making a lasting impact.” </p> <p> First Commonwealth Bank, with roots dating back to the 1930’s, proudly offers top local banking solutions in their communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio. As a trusted financial institution, they provide personalized banking solutions to help individuals and businesses achieve their financial goals. </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc., formed in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, and has evolved into an organization of nearly 200 employees operating in Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties.<br> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> .<br> </p> &nbsp; </p> Advantage Metal Powders Supports DCI Mon, 23 Sep 2024 12:29:26 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of check presentation at Advantage Metal Powders" src="" style="width: 50%;"><br> <span style="color:#333333;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><em>Photo L to R: Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Bob Ordiway, Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) Capital Campaign Committee Chair; Jason and Becky Gabler, Advantage Metal Powders, Inc.; and Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director.</em></span></strong></span> </p> <p> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) is thrilled to announce a generous donation from Advantage Metal Powders, Inc. (AMP) towards their St. Marys’ building project. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee and the collective generosity of organizations, foundations, businesses, individuals, and the community, $68,129 remains to reach their $1.5 million goal for the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign. Dickinson and the campaign committee are hopeful that others will join in supporting this cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective. </p> <p> “We are proud to support Dickinson Center, Inc. and their St. Marys’ building project,” said Jason Gabler, President of Advantage Metal Powders. “As a company rooted in this community, we recognize the critical role that behavioral health plays in the well-being of individuals, families, and even the workforce. By investing in Dickinson, we are helping to ensure that essential services are accessible to those who need them, which ultimately strengthens our community and supports a healthier, more productive workforce.” </p> <p> “We are incredibly grateful to Advantage Metal Powders for their generous support of Dickinson Center’s St. Marys’ building project,” said Bob Ordiway, Campaign Committee Chair. “Their investment demonstrates a strong commitment to the health and well-being of our community. By supporting behavioral health services, they are not only helping individuals and families but also contributing to the overall strength and productivity of our workforce. This donation will have a lasting impact, ensuring that critical services remain accessible to those who need them most.” </p> <p> Advantage Metal Powders (AMP), an independently owned and operated company in Elk County, brings over 25 years of expertise in powder metal material processing and blending. They deliver powder blends in quantities of up to 60,000 pounds, serving both automotive and non-automotive markets. </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc., formed in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, and has evolved into an organization of nearly 200 employees operating in Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. DCI is a non-profit organization and an affiliate of Journey Health System. </p> <p> With financial assistance provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Honorable Josh Shapiro, Governor, this project is funded through a combination of state and federal grants, foundation grants, Dickinson Center operating funds, bank financing, and generous contributions from business, industry, and individuals in the community. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong><br> &nbsp; </p> Dickinson Center Recognizes Staff at Event Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:36:16 +0000 <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), and their parent company Journey Health System, hosted an annual service awards luncheon on Tuesday 9/10/24 at The Royal Inn in Ridgway.&nbsp; </p> <p> With 25 years of employment at DCI, Tonya Wolfe was honored for her professional knowledge, leadership, and dedication to the clients that she serves.&nbsp;<br> In addition, the following employees that reached milestone years of service were recognized: </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Five years</strong> – Lisa Brouse, Colleen Cloak, Rachel DiGilarmo, Kelly Erhard, Cheri Hofmann, Jessica Lawrence, Alicia Levenduski, Michelle Pastore, Sherwood Wilson, Brenda Wurm. </li> <li> <strong>10 years</strong> – Connie Erdman-Carter, Michele Euster, Cortney Pahel, Shannon Renner. </li> <li> <strong>15 years</strong> - Lawrence Reed. </li> <li> <strong>20 years</strong> – James Prosper, Kelly Swanson. </li> </ul> <p> DCI's Executive Director Jim Prosper, was pleased to announce the 2024 Sis Simons Distinguished Service Award recipient, Dorian Tamburlin, LSW, a therapist at DCI’s Crossroads Program. </p> <h3> <span style="color:#008000;"><strong>CONGRATS TO ALL OF OUR STAFF FOR ACHIEVING MAJOR MILESTONES AT DCI!</strong></span> </h3> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Photo Gallery with Lightbox</title> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; padding: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #f0f0f0; } .photo-row { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; gap: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .photo-row img { width: 100%; max-width: 30%; height: auto; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); cursor: pointer; /* Indicate that the image is clickable */ } .content { clear: both; } /* Lightbox styles */ .lightbox { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; z-index: 1000; /* On top of other content */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); /* Semi-transparent background */ justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .lightbox img { max-width: 90%; max-height: 80%; } .lightbox .close { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px; color: white; font-size: 30px; cursor: pointer; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="photo-row"> <img alt="Tonya Wolfe and Jim Prosper" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/TonyaWolfe%26JimProsper.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="Jim Prosper & Guy Signor" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/JimProsper%26GuySignor.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="Kelly Swanson & Jim Prosper" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/KellySwanson%26JimProsper.jpg')" src=""> </div> <div class="photo-row"> <img alt="Cortney Pahel & Group" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/CortneyPahel%26Group1.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="View of the Event at the Royal Inn" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/theroyalinn1.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="The Thank You Cake" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/cake2024.jpg')" src=""> </div> <div class="photo-row"> <img alt="Michelle Pastore & Group" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/MichellePastore%26Group.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="Group of DCI Employees" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/employeegroup1.jpg')" src=""> <img alt="Sis Simons Award Winner 2024" onclick="openLightbox('/content/images/blog-images/DCI-StaffEvent-2024/doriantamburlin-sissimons1.png')" src=""> </div> <!-- Lightbox HTML --> <div id="lightbox" class="lightbox" onclick="closeLightbox()"> <span class="close">&times;</span> <img id="lightbox-img" src="" alt="Lightbox Image"> </div> <!-- JavaScript --> <script> function openLightbox(src) { const lightbox = document.getElementById('lightbox'); const lightboxImg = document.getElementById('lightbox-img'); lightboxImg.src = src; = 'flex'; } function closeLightbox() { const lightbox = document.getElementById('lightbox'); = 'none'; } </script> </body> </html> DCI Receives Support from Art Heary & Sons Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:21:22 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of Art Heary &amp; Sons Team and Tana Smith" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <em><strong><span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R: Jim Heary, Jr., Art Heary &amp; Sons Furniture President: Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Bob Ordiway, Dickinson Center, Inc. Capital Campaign Committee Chair.</span></span></strong></em> </p> <p> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc.(DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is thrilled to announce a generous donation towards their building project in the&nbsp;City of St. Marys&nbsp;from&nbsp;Art Heary and Sons Furniture. With the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee, the collective generosity of organizations, foundations, individuals, businesses, and ongoing community support, DCI has made remarkable strides in its “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign fundraising efforts, raising $1,427,971 which is 95% of their $1.5 million goal. With $72,029 left to secure, Dickinson and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective.<br> <br> “Art Heary &amp; Sons' generous donation is an important contribution to our Building for Tomorrow campaign,” said Bob Ordiway, Capital Campaign Committee Chair. “As a family-owned business celebrating its 97th year, Art Heary &amp; Sons is one of the first local businesses to support our fundraising efforts. Their support will help us enhance access to essential behavioral health services and benefit our entire community. We are deeply grateful for their commitment.”<br> <br> Art Heary &amp; Sons Furniture, a local and family-owned business, proudly serves the residents of St. Marys, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas. Known for offering great prices and a wide selection of top-quality home furnishings, Art Heary &amp; Sons helps customers find items that fit every budget and make their homes shine.<br> <br> Art Heary &amp; Sons Furniture’s President Jim Heary, Jr. said, “We are proud to support Dickinson Center, Inc.'s Building for Tomorrow campaign. By contributing to the new St. Marys' building, we are honored to play a role in enhancing the well-being of individuals, children, and families in Elk County and beyond.”<br> <br> Dickinson Center, Inc., formed in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, and has evolved into an organization of nearly 200 employees operating in Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties.<br> <br> Financial assistance was provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Honorable Josh Shapiro, Governor. This project was financed (in part) by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development. Additional funds were received through a combination of state and federal grants, foundation grants, Dickinson Center operating funds, bank financing, and generous contributions from businesses, industries and individuals in the community.<br> <br> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit&nbsp;<strong><a href=""></a></strong> . </p> Acrisure Supports DCI St Marys Building Mon, 05 Aug 2024 14:56:51 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src=""><br> <br> <strong><span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="color:#666666;"><em>Pictured L to R: Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Bill Hoffman, Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) Capital Campaign Committee Member; John Mulcahy, Acrisure Partner &amp; Advisory Council Mid-Atlantic Region; and Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director.</em></span></span></strong> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc.(DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is thrilled to announce a generous donation towards their St. Marys' building project from Acrisure. With the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee, the collective generosity of organizations, foundations, individuals, businesses, and ongoing community support, DCI has made remarkable strides in its “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign fundraising efforts, raising $1,423,971 and 95% of their $1.5 million goal. With $76,029 left to secure, DCI and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective. </p> <p> "Acrisure's generous donation to Dickinson’s St. Marys’ building project is a transformative gift that will enhance Dickinson’s ability to provide essential behavioral health care services to children, families and adults in our community. Acrisure’s commitment underscores the critical importance of accessible mental health care, and we are deeply grateful for their support," stated Bill Hoffman, DCI Building for Tomorrow Capital Campaign Committee member. </p> <p> John Mulcahy, Acrisure Partner &amp; Advisory Council Member for the Mid-Atlantic Region said, “Alongside our rapid growth, Acrisure is intentional about increasing our impact wherever our colleagues work and our presence grows. We’re committed to supporting innovative and inspiring organizations like Dickinson Center across the globe.” </p> <p> With over 17,000 employees in over 20 countries, Acrisure is the number one largest property and casualty agency in the United States and the sixth largest global broker. They are a global Fintech leader, combining the best of human insight and high technology, and are also a proud partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc., formed in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, and has evolved into an organization of nearly 200 employees operating in Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong><br> &nbsp; </p> DCI Receives Grant from Cameron County Commissioners Fri, 12 Jul 2024 16:43:04 +0000 <p> &nbsp; </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><em><strong><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R:&nbsp; Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement, Tana Smith; Cameron County Commissioners, James Moate; Cameron County Commissioner, Joshua Zucal; Cameron County Commissioner Chair, Jessica Herzing; Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) Executive Director, Jim Prosper and DCI Capital Campaign Committee Chair, Bob Ordiway.</span></strong></em></span> </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) is pleased to announce the receipt of a generous $50,000 grant from the Cameron County Commissioners, funded through Pennsylvania's Act 13 Marcellus Shale program. Established under Act 13 of 2012, this program allocates a portion of the impact fees collected from natural gas drilling operations to support local communities and environmental initiatives. </p> <p> “We are extremely grateful to the Cameron County Commissioners for their exceptional support of our building project for the county’s residents,” said Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director. “Thanks to this grant funding, we will be able to continue to better serve the region by offering improved access to behavioral health services.” </p> <p> Cameron County recently approved the grant to Dickinson Center, Inc., a Journey Health System affiliate, for their “Building for Tomorrow” campaign supporting the St. Marys Building Project. Thanks to the generosity of individuals, businesses, foundations, organizations and public entities such as the County of Cameron, DCI has raised $1,312,721, reaching 88% of its $1.5 million fundraising goal. With $187,279 left to secure, Dickinson and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p> The Cameron County Commissioners stated, “We recognize that access to medical care is vital for our residents and that our communities place great value on ensuring mental health care is available for our students. Dickinson Center’s goal of consolidating all of their services and programs, offered in St. Mary’s, into one building saves Cameron County residents and their families both time and stress in coordinating their care –&nbsp; this is especially true for our residents reliant on public transportation and our local students who travel daily for access to their programs and care. We hope that by supporting Dickinson Center during this phase of fundraising – Dickinson Center can maintain the momentum necessary to meet their goal of the timely completion of the construction of their new St. Mary’s home for everyone’s benefit.” </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has been providing behavioral health services for 66 years, including over 25 years in the City of St. Marys. Annually, the programs that will be housed in the new facility serve more than 1,200 children and adults. In addition, DCI’s St. Marys-based programs offer classroom-based prevention education, including life-saving suicide prevention and other mental health awareness initiatives, to 1,500 elementary, middle and high school students across Elk and Cameron counties.&nbsp; </p> <p> For more information on how you can join the momentum and contribute to Dickinson Center’s “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, please visit <strong><a href="https://www.dickinsoncenter.orgfile:///C:/Users/jleahy/Desktop/"></a></strong>&nbsp;.&nbsp; </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> Emporium K of C Supports DCI St Marys Building Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:09:04 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#333333;"><span style="font-weight: 700; text-align: right;"><em><span style="font-size: 16px;">Pictured L to R: Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement, Tana Smith with Knights of Columbus members and officers, Dave Smith (former Christabelle Club President), Joe Desio, Art May, Steve Housler, Ralph Grovanz, Jr.</span></em></span></span> </p> <p> <br> The Emporium Knights of Columbus Council 990 and the Emporium Christabelle Club recently donated to Dickinson Center, Inc., a Journey Health System affiliate, for their “Building for Tomorrow” campaign supporting the St. Marys’ building project. Thanks to the collective generosity of individuals, foundations, businesses, and organizations like the Emporium Knights of Columbus and Christabelle Club, DCI has achieved 87% of its fundraising goal, reaching $1,301,021. However, they still aim to reach their $1.5 million goal, with $198,979 left to secure. Dickinson and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective. </p> <p> “The generosity and commitment of the Emporium Knights of Columbus and Christabelle Club to the community are truly commendable,” said Tana Smith, Journey Health System’s Director of Institutional Advancement. “As a native of Emporium, this donation holds special significance for me, reflecting my father's long-standing dedication to the Christabelle Club and Emporium Knights of Columbus. It also embodies the close-knit support and hometown spirit that make Emporium and our surrounding communities so incredible.” </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has been providing behavioral health services in the City of St. Marys for over twenty-five years. Annually, the programs that will be housed in the new facility serve more than 1,200 children and adults. Additionally, Dickinson’s St. Marys-based programs offer classroom-based prevention education, including life-saving suicide prevention and other mental health awareness initiatives, to 1,500 elementary, middle and high school students across Elk and Cameron counties. </p> <p> Dave Smith, past President of the Christabelle Club, the former Deputy Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus Council 990 and Tana’s father stated, “Supporting the ‘Building for Tomorrow’ campaign aligns with the K of C’s mission to serve and uplift our community. We are proud to contribute to a project that will have such a positive impact on the lives of so many.” </p> <p> The Knights of Columbus is a global fraternal organization dedicated to charity, unity and community service. Founded in 1882, it supports a wide range of charitable initiatives. Members work together to promote faith and service, making a positive impact on their communities. The Emporium Christabelle Club, sponsored by the Emporium Knights of Columbus Council 990, provides a social atmosphere that promotes networking, encourages camaraderie, and fosters goodwill among its members and the community. </p> <p> For more information on how you can join the momentum and contribute to Dickinson Center’s “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> . </p> <p> <span style="color:#333333;"><span style="font-weight: 700; text-align: right;"><em><span style="font-size: 16px;"></span></em></span></span> </p> DCI's Kindergarten Readiness Program Kicks Off Mon, 17 Jun 2024 13:27:59 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src=""> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <em><strong><span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Bottom group picture. L to R: Kindergarten Readiness Facilitators: Ms. Katrina Peters, Fox Township Elementary; Mrs. Bailey Fabiano, Johnsonburg Elementary School; Ranger Johnson; Smokey Bear;&nbsp;and&nbsp; Ms. Deb Freeburg, South St. Marys St. Elementary School Facilitator with future kindergarteners.</span></span></strong></em> </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. in conjunction with St. Marys Area School District has been implementing its Kindergarten Readiness Program. Students attend twice a week for two and a half hours to learn school rules and academics as well as get acclimated to their respective schools for the upcoming school year. DCI is thankful for the support of the school district to sustain our program over the years.&nbsp; </p> <p> The program welcomed Smokey Bear this week and he taught the students about fire safety and gave each student a bag full of surprises. We want to thank Smokey Bear and Ranger Johnson for taking the time out of their busy day to visit our students and teach them about fire safety. We also want to wish Smokey Bear a Happy 80th Birthday! </p> <p> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Click here for more information about the 2024 Kindergarten Readiness Program.</a></strong> </p> Northwest Bank Makes Generous Commitment For DCI Building Project Fri, 14 Jun 2024 14:18:57 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="Photo of Northwest Bank Check Presentation to DCI" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#666666;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><em><strong>Pictured L to R: Brooke Meyer, Northwest Bank Office Manager - St. Marys’ Offices; Bill Pantuso, Northwest Bank District Manager – Cameron, Elk, McKean, Potter, and Tioga counties; Tony Scrivo, Northwest Bank Office Manager -Bradford Main; Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Bob Ordiway, Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) Capital Campaign Committee Chair and Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> <br> Northwest Bank recently fulfilled an extremely generous commitment to Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, for their “Building for Tomorrow” campaign, supporting the St. Marys building project. Thanks to the collective generosity of individuals, organizations, foundations and businesses like Northwest Bank, DCI has made remarkable strides in its fundraising efforts, reaching $1,208,721. However, they still aim to reach their $1.5 million goal, with $291,279 left to secure. </p> <p> Jim Prosper, DCI’s Executive Director said, “We greatly appreciate this $100,000 donation from Northwest Bank. Centralization of Dickinson’s behavioral health services in downtown St. Marys will increase access and allow more individuals to be served in a new state-of-the-art environment of care.” </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has been providing behavioral health services in the City of St. Marys for over twenty-five years. Annually, the programs that will be housed in the new facility serve more than 1,200 children and adults. Additionally, DCI’s St. Marys-based programs offer classroom-based prevention education, including life-saving suicide prevention and other mental health awareness initiatives, to 1,500 elementary, middle and high school students across Elk and Cameron counties. </p> <p> Many individuals within our community, both residents and members of the workforce, experience the impact of mental health challenges. Dickinson and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause, recognizing that every contribution brings them closer to their objective. With the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee and ongoing community support, DCI is confident in achieving their goal,&nbsp;ensuring accessible, essential mental health care and wellness services for those in need. </p> <p> Brooke Meyer, Northwest Bank Manager for St. Marys’ Offices said, “Northwest Bank is pleased to contribute to the Dickinson Center project in St. Marys. It will be a great addition to our community with all the services they have to offer.” </p> <p> Northwest Bank is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. Northwest Bancshares, Inc. is the bank holding company of Northwest Bank. Founded in 1896 and headquartered in Warren, Pennsylvania, Northwest Bank is a full-service financial institution offering a complete line of business and personal banking products, as well as treasury management solutions and wealth management services. Currently, Northwest operates 132 full-service branches across Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Indiana. </p> <p> For more information on how you can join the momentum and contribute to Dickinson Center’s “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, please visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> .<br> &nbsp; </p> Nichols Portland, Inc. Donates towards DCI's 'Building for Tomorrow' Campaign Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:47:33 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 75%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="font-size:16px;"><span style="color:#808080;"><em><strong>Pictured L to R: Bill Goetz, Nichols Portland, Inc. (NPI) Chief Financial Officer; Jim Ryan, Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI) capital campaign committee member; Bob Ordiway, DCI capital campaign committee chair; Jim Prosper, DCI Executive Director; and Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement.</strong></em></span></span> </p> <p> &nbsp; </p> <p> <span style="color:#808080;"><em></em></span>Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is thrilled to announce a generous donation towards their St. Marys’ building project, the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, from Nichols Portland, Inc. (NPI). </p> <p> Jim Ryan, a member of DCI’s “Building for Tomorrow” Capital Campaign Committee stated, “Nichols Portland has a strong history of supporting the communities where they operate. Their support of Dickinson’s St. Marys’ building project in Elk County continues this commitment and is greatly appreciated.” </p> <p> Thanks to the collective generosity of organizations, foundations, individuals and businesses like Nichols Portland, Inc., DCI has raised $1,187,621. With $312,379 left to reach their $1.5 million goal, Dickinson and the campaign committee are hopeful that others will join in supporting their cause. Every contribution brings them closer to their objective. </p> <p> Bill Goetz, NPI’s Chief Financial Officer said, “Nichols Portland, Inc. is very excited to be able to support the advancements of Dickinson Center and the services they provide. We are fortunate to have Dickinson Center as a resource in our community and remain dedicated to supporting their critical initiatives.” </p> <p> Nichols Portland, Inc. is a premier provider of quality, precision metal products, with a long-standing commitment to supporting the communities where they operate. With a history spanning over 50 years, NPI’s APG companies have been pioneers in material and process improvement technologies, helping to shape and advance the powder metallurgy industry. More information at:&nbsp;<strong><a href=""></a></strong>&nbsp;. </p> <p> With the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee and ongoing community support, DCI is confident in achieving their goal, ensuring accessible, essential mental health care and wellness services for those in need. </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc., formed in 1958, is recognized as one of the leading rural behavioral health providers in northwestern Pennsylvania, and has evolved into an organization of nearly 200 employees operating in Elk, Cameron, Potter, McKean, Forest, Warren, Jefferson and Clearfield counties. </p> <p> For more information about the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign or to make a donation, please visit&nbsp;<strong><a href=""></a></strong> . </p> Robertson’s Gift Helps DCI Build For Tomorrow Wed, 29 May 2024 20:34:28 +0000 <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 50%;"> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <em><span style="color:#666666;"><strong><span style="font-size:16px;">Pictured L to R: Cortney Pahel, Dickinson Center Program Director; Jim Prosper, Dickinson Center Executive Director; Tana Smith, Journey Health System Director of Institutional Advancement; Barb Robertson &amp; Paul Robertson.</span></strong></span></em> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> &nbsp; </p> <p> Dickinson Center, Inc. (DCI), a non-profit organization and affiliate of Journey Health System, is thrilled to announce a generous donation towards their St. Marys building project, the “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, from Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Robertson. </p> <p> The Robertson’s presented their check at The Children's Center- DCI Parents as Teachers which will be part of DCI’s new building at 28 Railroad Street in St. Marys. Catering to families with children aged 5 and under, the center fosters endless creativity. As DCI progresses with their “Building for Tomorrow” initiative, they invite families with young children to visit the Children’s Center, offering them a firsthand view of the new building’s construction progress and the enriching experiences awaiting within.&nbsp; </p> <p> Paul Robertson stated, “Mental and behavioral healthcare is a growing need today, even in our area. This wonderful project by Dickinson allows Barb and I to assist in a small way as well as give back to this great community.” </p> <p> Thanks to the collective generosity of businesses, organizations, foundations, and individuals like Paul and Barb Robertson, DCI has raised $1,175,101. With $324,899 left to reach their $1.5 million goal, Dickinson and the campaign committee extend their hopes that others will join in supporting their cause. Every contribution brings them closer to their objective.&nbsp; With the dedicated efforts of DCI’s Capital Campaign Committee and ongoing community support, DCI is confident in achieving their goal, ensuring accessible, essential mental health care and wellness services for those in need. </p> <p> For more information on how you can join the momentum and contribute to Dickinson Center’s “Building for Tomorrow” capital campaign, please visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> </p>