Kindergarten Readiness Program Starts in June!

Mon, Jun 9, 2025

Dickinson Center's Children's Prevention Services offer their Kindergarten Readiness Program to all incoming kindergarten students within the St. Marys Area and Johnsonburg Area School Districts.

This program is free of charge, designed to enhance the skills your child needs for success in their transition to Kindergarten and the coming school year.

The Kindergarten Readiness Program provides your child with an advantage by promoting:

  • Friendships with future classmates
  • Cooperation with peers and adults
  • Learning in a classroom setting
  • Letter, number, and sound recognition
  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Proper handwriting techniques
  • Communication and social skills
  • Familiarity with their new school, classroom rules, and routines


Choose either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday of the following weeks:

  • June 9th
  • June 16th
  • June 23rd
  • July 7th
  • July 14th
  • July 21st

*No program the week of June 30th*

KRP runs 2 days per week for 2.5 hours per day. Specific days and times vary by school.

Contact: Sierra Himes, Program Director | 814.834.2602 | [email protected]