Elk County Intensive Outpatient Summer Program

Wed, Jun 4, 2025

DCI’s Elk County Intensive Outpatient will be holding their Summer Program for children & adolescents (K-12th grade) from June 4th to August 15th, 2025.

Sessions will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am-1pm. Lunch is provided daily.

LOCATION: Community Education Center, 4 Erie Ave., St. Marys

Who can participate in the IOP Summer Program?  The children/adolescents referred to EIOP must have a psychiatric diagnosis. Must have or be eligible for medical assistance.

What will the child or teen do at IOP Summer Program? The children/adolescents will participate each day in two hours of group therapy activities, along with structured recreational activities and life-skills through assisting in meal preparation and clean-up.

For more info, please call 814.389.4515 ext.3

To make a referral, please call 814.389.4515
**This program accepts referrals from Elk, McKean, Cameron, Jefferson and Clearfield counties.