Employment Support Services

Description of service provided:
Employment Support Services (ESS) strives to assist individuals by finding employment that best suits their interests and abilities. Individuals are provided assistance through the entire job search process from constructing resumes, practicing interview skills, and applying for jobs. The support continues after being hired until the employee, employer, and employment specialist are all confident that the job can be performed independently.
Individuals with disabilities have many strengths and abilities that are beneficial to the community and employers in the work force. Employers benefit by having dedicated, hardworking, motivated employees. Employees benefit by achieving their goal toward self-sustainability and independence.
Employment Support Services Include:
- Job assessments
- Job readiness training
- Job developing
- Job placement
- Volunteering
- Community-based work assessment
- On-the-job training
- Follow-along services
- Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for high school students
Geographic area of service:
Elk, Cameron, McKean and Potter counties
Admission criteria:
Employment Support Services admissions criteria include individuals with mental health (MH), intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD), and/or physical disabilities who have an interest in obtaining or maintaining competitive employment. This also includes visual impairments and blindness, and deafness and hearing impaired individuals.
How to access service:
Employment Support Services is funded by County Services of Cameron and Elk Behavioral Health Programs, Potter County Human Services, and McKean County Human Services. The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation also funds Employment Support Services in all counties.
Employment Support Services accepts referrals from county supports coordinators, OVR vocational rehabilitation counselors, case managers, therapists, psychologists, county administrators, and other health professionals. ESS also accepts self-referrals.
Printable Employment Support Referral Form
Electronic Employment Support Referral Form
Mailing addresses and hours of operation:
Hours of operation vary due to weekly changing schedules
Elk County
43 Servidea Drive (along Rt. 219)
Ridgway, PA 15853
Phone: 814.776.2655
Fax: 814.776.2654
Potter County
1 North Main St, 3rd Floor
Coudersport, PA 16915
Fax: 814.260.0129